Life story
It seems that searching for the roots of genius is worth it in the genius's childhood. It's also worth understanding his upbringing, education, development, and the people who surrounded him at all times. We meticulously collected the key milestones of Andrei Nikolaevich's life and compiled a timeline of his life.
Early years
Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov was born on April 25 (12), 1903 in Tambov
Excerpts from Andrei Kolmogorov's Memoirs >>
In 1910, Vera Kolmogorova and her nephew Andrei moved to Moscow, where he entered the Repman Private Gymnasium.
Excerpts from Andrei Kolmogorov's Memoirs >>
First Job
In 1917, as the October Revolution broke out, Kolmogorov quit the gymnasium and took up a railway fireman job. He successfully passed his graduation exams without attending classes.
Excerpts from Andrei Kolmogorov's Memoirs >>
In 1920, Kolmogorov entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Moscow Universityand joined Nikolai Luzin's science club. From that point on, his entire life would be inseparable from the University.
From 1920 to 1925 , he worked as a teacher at the Potylikhinskaya Experimental and Demonstration School at the People's Commissariat of Education.
Excerpts from Andrei Kolmogorov's Memoirs >>
Postgraduate Studies
In 1925 , after graduating from the university, Kolmogorov pursued postgraduate studies, with professor Nikolai Luzin as his supervisor.
Excerpts from Andrei Kolmogorov's Memoirs >>
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
In 1929 , Andrei Kolmogorov completed his postgraduate studies, having published 18 (!) mathematical papers in the process, and joined the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics at Moscow University.
Journey along the Volga
In 1929, Andrei Komogorov went on a boat trip on the Volga, where he made friends with mathematician Pavel Alexandrov. In 1935, they bought a house in Komarovka near Moscow, which turned into a major hub for Moscow's mathematical community. Andrei and Pavel's friendship lasted their entire lives.
Germany and France
From June 1930 to March 1931, he was on a business trip in Germany and France, where he interacted with leading contemporary mathematicians: Richard Courant, Edmund Landau, Hermann Weyl, and others.
Excerpts from Andrei Kolmogorov's Memoirs >>
In March 1931, he became a professor at Moscow State University.
Director of the Research Institute
In December 1933 , Kolmogorov was appointed director of the Research Institute of Mathematics at Moscow University.
Doctor of Science
In 1935, Kolmogorov earned his Doctoral Degree in Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Mathematical Olympiad
1935 witnessed the First Moscow Mathematical Olympiad. Kolmogorov became the chair of the Second Olympiad's organizing committee and remained involved in the Olympiad movement throughout his life.
Permanent Editor
After the first issue of the journal "Advances in Mathematical Sciences" came out in 1936 , Kolmogorov became a permanent member of its editorial board and served as its editor-in-chief from 1946 to 1955 and then from 1982 to 1987.
Department of Probability Theory
In 1938 , Kolmogorov became the head of the Department of Probability Theory at the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1939 , Kolmogorov was elected Full Member (Academician) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1939 to 1942, he served as academic secretary at the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences and a member of the Academy's Presidium.
In the autumn of 1942 , Kolmogorov marries Anna Dmitrievna Egorova, his childhood friend.
In 1943 , he starts keeping a journal where he records his life observations.
Excerpts from Andrei Kolmogorov's Memoirs >>
In 1954 , Kolmogorov was appointed Dean of the MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
Student Seminars
In 1955 , he started leading a student seminar dedicated to the theory of approximate representations of functions of several variables. Asмa long-term goal, Kolmogorov suggests that recent high school graduates tackle Hilbert's 13th problem.
International Memberships and Titles
Kolmogorov was elected an honorary doctor of the University of Paris in 1955 , Kolmogorov was elected an honorary doctor of the University of Paris in 1959, and an honorary doctor of sciences of Stockholm University (Sweden) and a foreign member of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia in 1960.
Statistical Laboratory
In 1960 , he established a statistical laboratory a the Department of Probability Theory at Moscow State University.
Hero of Labor
In 1963 , Kolmogorov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
Specialized Boarding School
In 1963 , four physics and mathematics boarding schools were opened in the USSR. Kolmogorov was one of the initiators of establishing such a school at Moscow University. He personally taught there until the late 1970-s.

From the interview with Andrei Kolmogorov about the boarding school and its pupils >>

Excerpts from Andrei Kolmogorov's Memoirs >>
Academy of Pedagogical Sciences
In 1966, Andrei Kolmogorov and Vladimir Arnold were honored with the Lenin Prize for their work on the theory of perturbations of Hamiltonian systems.
Department of Mathematical Statistics
Since 1976 — Head of the Department of Mathematical Statistics atмthe Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University.
Quantum Magazine
Kolmogorov was among the founders of "Quantum" – a popular science monthly for schoolstudents first published in 1970.
President of the Moscow Mathematical Society
From 1973 to 1985 , he served asмPresident of the Moscow Mathematical Society.
In 1982 , Kolmogorov became the editor-in-chief of the "Uspehi matematicheskich nauk" journal ("Russian Mathematical Surveys").
October 20, 1987
Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov passed away on October 20, 1987
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